Thursday, June 18, 2009

A More Deserving Sibling?---Why?

Let's get this straight: I'm not a gate-hopping, river-swimming, garden-mowing, gang-related, good-for-nothing, bean-and-cheese-burrito-eating immigrant.

My family and I didn't come to this country to eat frijoles and take away the jobs of those who are "more deserving."

When immigrant-bashers accuse me and others of being what I described above, all I can think is:


A recent New York Times article, "A Family Divided by 2 Words, Legal and Illegal," discussed the problems facing many immigrant families.

Many people are ignorant about this subject, and well in all honesty it really pisses me off.

They dont care about millions of immigrant students, because all along they have had the wrong impression of what an immigrant is.

Just because you are born in one country it doesn't mean that you should atomatically earn the right to every single job. Jobs are earned through experience not race, color, or legal status.

Maybe just maybe if a new face of what an actually immigrant was would be shown to these dim-witted people things would change; but that would never happen.

Our society was born to criticize, and is far too proud to see beyond the steroetypes that hurt those who have no choice but to be in a country because their parents chose it that way.

In all honesty not all immigrants are "brown", many can have blond hair and fair skin. Not all immigrants are the highschool drop-outs who do nothing but pro-create more "brown" children.

Most immigrants are loyal people. Their main purpose is to succeed in a new country, they are not here to take over other peoples' jobs. For Gods-Sake just becuase you call someone an alien, it doesn't necisarilly mean they are here to take over the world.

We should question ourselves, and our morality. Are we really punishing these children for wanting to succeed? For wanting a taste of the American Dream? Out of pure idioticy we are turning away from those who are the future for tomorrow.

Isn't it written in US documents that the "Pursuit of Happiness" is everyones' right? These documents are the proof that we are turning away from our Founding Fathers. They themselves were immigrants.

My question is, why should one sibiling be given more rights than another. Why should one be able to drive and the other be prohibited. Aren't they not from the same parents? Do they not have the same Last Name?
In God's eyes, in their parent's eyes they are equal, but the law begs very profoundly to differ. One is illegal and the other is legal to the US, it is as ironic as having twins, and one being of dark coloring and the other of pale pigment. Rare? Yes. Possible? Abosolutely. And of course the mother of the twins would love both the black and white baby all the same. So why can't these two sibiling's mother-country love them all the same?

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